Sunday, January 16, 2011

The wonder of pomegranates and a winner...

I love the idea of an 'edible' garden. Pomegranates are a great example of where productive food plants and 'ornamentals' meet. These are so good looking!
Thanks to those of you who entered the giveaway.
I used the random number generator thingo which chose comment number 6 the winner, which means, Karen wins Corinne's book. Hooray for you Karen!


  1. Oh those pomegranates look amazing!

    Hooray for Karen! :-)

  2. Oh yes, I really love pomegranates - they're such an ancient fruit, so luscious both on and off the tree.

    BTW - thanks for your comment on my blog - it makes me happy to know that you shared the goodness of the potato guy experience all those years ago. That's so cool!

    Speaking of edible gardens, I've been devouring your tree catalogue again, and am looking forward eagerly to the next planting season when I can order my fruit trees! Hooray!

  3. They look stunning, I've used them before in floral displays but they're even better in my tummy :)

  4. Wow I never knew they were so beautiful.
    Hooray for me indeed - can't wait to get some tips from Corinne, and re-live 80's fashion too!


Thanks for adding your comments, I love reading them and appreciate your effort in writing them xx...