Tuesday, January 11, 2011

List action- and a giveaway

As per number 27 on the list, these are off to the op shop. I love them but don't need to hang on to them. I have a wonderful local library if I need to access them. These books are better for my mental health if they are not cluttering up my bookshelf. And, I don't feel too silly saying that because lots of people said they 'got' my list 
and this is off to one of you, if you are interested-
It was great- and slightly scary, funny but helpful. I have read it and am ready to pass it on. 
Leave a comment if you want it and I will do a random number thingamy to chose a winner on Sunday 16th. This one is just for people living in Australia- besides anything else, if does contain daggy Australian references! I think Corinne Grant is around my age (I am 38) because I understood and laughed and cringed at her fashion references and many other experiences (she's a northern Victorian girl who took off to Melbourne as well- except I came back!).


  1. Ooh, pleas, I so need that book! And can I have your old ones? They are all my favourite authors!

  2. Oh sounds like a fun read! Count me in please.

  3. Oooh yes please! I still desperately need to let go of soooooo many things.

  4. I have been eyeing off that book for a while and would welcome a hand-me-down!

  5. Ahem *climbing out of a wardrobe filled with hoarded stuff*, you ahh, might want to count me in for that one too Tan.
    I did do books last year though - same as your reasoning - I only kep fave authors like Tim Winton and Helen Garner. The local op shop loved me!

  6. Count me in! I'm a terrible hoarder and somehow we have to fit a baby into our house this year!

  7. Oh this book looks interesting. I work with a girl who is 38 at Shop Handmade & it's like talking to my big sister (all the nicest parts of my big sister) - the music, fashion chat about the 80's, it's all so familiar. Have a lovely giveaway, love Posie

  8. ahh yes, letting go. it's a hard one, I get panicky at the thought of organising & throwing things out.
    great giveaway Tan ♥


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