Monday, November 8, 2010

Up and coming Kitchen King

I came home from work today and found this
Highly impressive. Mr. A explained to me that is wasn't just any chocolate cake/ brownie recipe- it involved two different types of flour, several bowls, whipping egg whites, melting chocolate- and he adapted a non gluten free recipe to be gluten free. I was very surprised!

He's practicing for being Head Chef when I am away in Chicago (I leave next week).
I think they will be well feed...

I also think he will be very popular...


  1. Did he say Lemon and Lime Creme Tart? Is he up for visitors?

  2. Well done Mr. A! Did it taste as good as it looks? I'm going to find some chocolate now ;).

  3. YAY! ... if he is popular he can continue being head chef when you get home.

    Did you know that at one time that Stephanie Alexander book was the most shop lifted book in Australia? I find this fascinating - it is so large. How did people do it??? Surely it would be noticed if they shoved it up their jumpers. Go figure.

  4. Yum! Have a great trip Tan x

  5. Im gluten free/ coeliac and often try to convert recipes with some luck , i would love his recipe good on him and I hope he continues in this role for you when you return !

  6. Hey Tan
    That is so cute! Good on Mr looks like he is planning on a dessert recipe for every meal! Loved your photos of the vege garden, very self suffiient! My broad beans were good last night and tonight will be spinach curry!!
    Love the other Tan

  7. Hehehe! Go Mr A. i think we should all come over - that looks awesome but surely it couldn't be as good as your apple muffins! Dishes are always a down side of cooking if you ask me...


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